Legal notice

Name: Green Park Hotel

Company name: GREEN PARK HOTEL

Address and head office: 4 rue Hassard, 75019, Paris (France)

E-mail address:

Trade Register N°: RCS PARIS 949 365 225

Intracommunity VAT no.: FR 20949365225

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act (Loi Informatique et Libertés), you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete any personal data concerning you (article 394 of the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, amended in August 2004).

You are reminded that fraudulently accessing or remaining in a computer system, hindering or distorting the operation of such a system, or fraudulently introducing or modifying data in a computer system constitute offences punishable by criminal penalties.

Green Park Hotel respects copyright and intellectual property. Our website includes elements for which Green Park Hotel holds the rights, such as data, drawings, graphics, and photos, as well as elements under Creative Commons license used in accordance with the terms of the respective license. These Creative Commons-licensed elements are clearly identified and respect the sharing conditions imposed by the original authors. Any reproduction, representation, distribution or redistribution, in whole or in part, of the content of this site by any process whatsoever without the express prior authorization of Green Park Hotel, or of the authors of the works under Creative Commons license, is prohibited and may constitute a violation of copyright and licensing conditions, punishable by the French Intellectual Property Code.

Green Park Hotel reserves the right to correct the content of this site at any time and without notice. Furthermore, Green Park Hotel declines all responsibility in the event of delays, errors or omissions in the content of these pages, or in the event of interruption or unavailability of the service.

Nature of personal data
The term “”personal data”” refers to any personal information that you may share with us and that may enable us, directly or indirectly, to identify you as an individual, for example when you visit our website, request information or book a room or other service.

Personal data collected
You may be asked to provide personal data when you visit our website.

The compulsory or optional nature of the information requested is indicated at the time of collection by an asterisk “”*””. Information marked with an asterisk is mandatory, as it is required to process your various requests. The other information is intended to help us get to know you better and improve the services we offer you. It is therefore optional.

In particular, we collect and process your surname, first name, email address, billing address, telephone number, IP address, connection and browsing data, your preferences and interests (non-smoking room, preferred room, type of stay, etc.) and your online reviews.

The Green Park Hotel site contains hypertext links to sites not published by Green Park Hotel. As a result, Green Park Hotel cannot be held responsible for the content of sites accessed in this way.

Cookies : Users are informed that when they visit the site, a cookie may be automatically installed and stored temporarily in their memory or on their hard disk. A cookie is an element that does not allow the user to be identified, but is used to record information relating to the user’s browsing on the website. Users of the site acknowledge that they have been informed of this practice and authorize Green Park Hotel to use it. They will be able to deactivate this cookie via the settings within their browser software.

General terms and conditions of sale : In accordance with article L. 121-21-8 12° of the French Consumer Code, customers are reminded that they do not have the right of withdrawal provided for in article L. 121-21 of the French Consumer Code. The Conditions of Sale for the fare booked specify the terms and conditions for cancelling and/or modifying the booking.

Photo credit:
-Wikimedia Commons (Mohamed SY, Zairon,
-Tom Hilton
-Pixabay (EdiNugraha)
-Shutterstock (maziarz)